
I was not an athletic child. In 2015, to my surprise, I discovered I was actually pretty good at running, and I've been running marathons since shortly after I got my Ph.D. My near-term goals are to qualify for the Boston Marathon (7 f*cking seconds left to shave off my time, or I could keep running at the same speed and wait until I turn 40!), to run a marathon in every place that I've ever called home (5/7 down), and to run a half-marathon in every state in New England (5/6, harder after moving to Colorado). My longer-term goals are to run a marathon on every continent (2/7 complete) and run in all the World Marathon Majors (1/6 so far).

With frequent conference travel, I've been fortunate enough to be able to go for a run in some pretty cool places around the world. Below are videos of some of these runs, which I made by strapping a GoPro to my head. The video gets pretty bouncy sped up like this, but it can be an interesting way to tour a new city.

Boston, MA

Vancouver, BC

Victoria, BC

Sydney, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Concord, MA to Boston

Montpellier, France

Paris, France

Malden, MA in a bombcyclone

Burlington, VT

Seoul, South Korea

Miyazaki, Japan

Tokyo, Japan

New York, NY

Seattle, WA

Santa Fe, NM

Tübingen, Germany

San Antonio, TX

Honolulu, HI

Portland, OR

Reykjavík, Iceland

Gothenburg, Sweden

Rome, Italy

Copenhagen, Denmark

Miami, FL

Marseille, France

Toronto, ON

Galway, Ireland